
Department of Molecular anf Interfacial Biophysics is a part of M. Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, which is a part of Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, which is a part of Jagiellonian University.

The Department is a young (est. 2017) unit of the Jagiellonian University, formed by the researchers who gained their experience in polymer physics, molecular dynamics and cell biophysics at the top research centers (Weizmann Inst., Cornell, UNC-Chapel Hill), as proved by publications in Science or Nature. The Department forms a dynamic research community: Within just 3 years of the Department's establishment, two colleagues earned a Habilitation degree and one won a prestigious FNP START program for their research on surface biophysics, and a PhD student coauthored a Nature Physics work on wetting of cell tissues.



The Head of Department
prof. dr hab. Andrzej Budkowski
Phone ext: -544
Room: D-1-47

mgr Magdalena Halastra
Phone ext.: -640
fax ext.: -086
Room: D-1-14

Smoluchowski Institute of Physics,
Jagiellonian University,
ul. Łojasiewicza 11,
PL- 30-348  Kraków

Phone contact


Open Positions

We are continuously accepting Bachelor, Master and PhD students. For more information please contact us.